Jamaica Center BID

BID Members

The majority of the Jamaica Center BID’s budget comes from an annual assessment levied upon owners of taxable real property within the Jamaica Center BID’s boundaries. All properties and tenant businesses and cultural organizations falling within our boundaries benefit from our services, but in order to vote on business matters pertaining to our organization (selection of Board of Directors, approval of annual budget, etc.), an assessment-paying property owner must first become a “Registered Member”. 

It’s simple to become a registered member.

Click to Become a Registered Member

Registration is only required once for property owners, provided that the parcel’s ownership or the official designated voting representative does not change. Property owners can register year-round, but the deadline or “record date” for registrations in order to vote at our 42nd Annual Meeting will be Friday, October 29, 2021. 

Not sure if you are a registered member? Need to update your registration details? Please contact Jahnavi Aluri at [email protected].

Note: While our bylaws require a certain number of merchant tenants to serve on our organization’s Board of Directors, neither commercial tenants nor residents located within BID boundaries are permitted to register as voting members.

Annual Meeting

Each year, Association members (registered and unregistered), BID businesses, and members of the general community are invited to the Jamaica Center BID’s Annual Meeting (usually held in November) to discuss the current state of the district, receive a financial and programmatic update from the Association, and to network. Registered Association members can also vote on current Board members up for (re)election and any other official business requiring a vote. Notification of the meeting is sent at least a month in advance to BID members. If you are a Registered (voting) Association member, you are encouraged to return your BID-provided proxy paperwork back to our organization if you are unable to attend to help us ensure quorum. (For more details regarding registered member proxies, please contact Jahnavi Aluri at [email protected])

2021 Annual Meeting

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