Relief for last-minute holiday shoppers!
Delayed in your Holiday Shopping? We’re here to help! We’ve all been guilty of procrastinating at one time or another. If you didn’t get around to shop for your Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza or Festivus celebrations yet, no matter! Jamaica Center BID is a safe space for last-minute holiday shoppers. From December 14-25 we are offering a slew of shopping support services crafted specifically with procrastinators in mind!
Procrastinator Bonus Bags: Sunday, December 15 - 24 (All Day Long):
Shop or dine at any business on Jamaica Avenue* from the 15th - 24th and YOU just might be the lucky person handed a Jamaica Avenue Seasonal Swag Bag packed with fun winter surprises and a gift card for extra shopping on the Ave! In this case, procrastinating pays off!
*Bonus bag promotion applies within BID boundaries of Jamaica Ave from 169th to Sutphin Ave and Union Hall between Jamaica Ave and Archer. One bag will be given to a randomly-selected local shopper daily.
Ugly Sweater Selfie Jam:
Visit our two Ugly Sweater selfie stations at 159-26 Jamaica Avenue and show us your ugly sweater game. Snap a pic, then post to social media tagging @jamcenterbid on Instagram or Jamaica Avenue on Facebook with hashtag #UglySweaterJam. In early January we’ll post all ugly sweaters on our Instagram story soliciting votes for the best pic. The winner gets a $50 gift card for even more shopping on Jamaica Avenue! What a great way to start the new year! Last-Minute Gift Ideas:
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. From December 14 -23 we will be posting a curated list of gifts you can purchase on the Ave! Ultimate Hour Shopping Directory:
Alright. You’re really pushing it with the belated shopping aren’t you? Download our promotional flyer with a listing of stores open on the 24th to meet your *truly* last-minute needs.